So many times when I go through something big in my life I feel like I go through it alone because I am single. In a lot of ways this has been true and I think I've gotten so used to it I was completely ignorant to the friends around me who have always been there to support me in their way.
As I begin the liquid diet today and come the realization that this surgery is getting closer, I suppose it was just a matter of time before I started thinking that by the grace of God, I would get myself through all of what's to come too but this time will be different.
Last night I took my RX cough syrup and an Ambien and I slept for 10 hours. I awoke to text messages from a friend telling me that she ate breakfast today but she is starting the liquid diet tomorrow in support of me. Who would even think to do such a thing? A friend would, yet I find myself trying to talk her out of it.
Why? Well because I can be stupid at times but also because I think I've been on my own so long just having to make things work and work well that I guess I really do not know how to let others cheer for me or even worse get in the game and play it with me. That is a problem and that must change today.
An hour later from the beginning of the texts and FB posts and I am still in tears but my heart is so happy I don't even have words to explain it. I know I am not alone; far from it!
Thank you :)
I know that there are people who are still knocking the value of Facebook and other social networks. At times there are problems (ie - ladies in my office making snarky comments on on a co-worker's status about a third co-worker and as a result having it blocked at our office - boo), but I see so many more benefits as it has brought people together and bonded friendships that might not have been available without it. There are those that will be there for you physically and there are those that will be there with you to lift you spiritually. But you are SO not alone. <3 ya!