If you know me, you know I am a big Chicago Bears fan and have been since I was little. The title of this post is a portion of a quote by Mike Ditka which says "Success isn't permanent and failure isn't fatal".
As I began writing this blog, and struggled with putting things in writing, well because to post these things makes them real. It makes them things that cannot be denied or hidden. I'm on an emotional roller coaster these days excited about the future ahead of me but struggling with the failures in my past. Just writing this blog confirms those failures to some degree. But the saving grace here is that failure isn't fatal.
Yes, I have failed thus far in the battle of the bulge but thankfully God has seen fit to wake me up each day and have another chance at success. I can pick up the pieces and start all over again. As corny as it may sound, I am so relieved to know this to be true. Failure can be overwhelming but it doesn't have to be fatal unless I allow it to. I am still in control of this ride!
As much as I love Ditka, my goal is to prove the first part of his quote wrong. I do believe I can have permanaent success over the bulge. It will require a lot of work on my end. I hate to exercise and I have got to change that mind set and learn to love it. I have to get back to portion control and making smarter choices.
I cannot lie, I'm nervous about having this surgery. To move forward into success we must deal with a very apparent failure. The lap band must be removed, then all of the scarred tissue removed before Dr. Kim can proceed with the actual bariatric surgery. He expects it to be about a 4 hour surgery. Complications are definitely a possibility but I refuse to claim them!! Without any complications, I will be in the hospital overnight and off work for about three weeks. As nervous as I am, I am so looking forward to the three week vacation...I'm terrible, I know!
Tomorrow is Bariatric University at Dr. Kim's office. Until then....
Prayers to calm your nerves and invigorate your fight. You got this covered my friend.